MonaLisa Touch – Addressing Atrophic Vaginitis and Vaginal Discomfort

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MonaLisa Touch

Scott Rosenblatt is a respected New York professional who serves as director of sales for MonaLisa Touch. In that role, Scott Rosenblatt markets a painless laser treatment that effectively addresses atrophic vaginitis. The treatment features an innovative approach to hydration that activates the vaginal mucosa tissue in boosting the production of collagen.

Atrophic vaginitis causes burning and dryness, and is also associated with dyspareunia, which involves pain during sexual intercourse. This deficit of hydration and nourishment is often associated with breastfeeding following childbirth and menopause. Along with urinary incontinence, atrophic vaginitis is one of the most common pelvic issues experienced by women as they age.

The vagina becomes inelastic, fragile, and dry, and the most intimate moments with one’s partner are uneasy and far from pleasurable. When treated with lasers, these vaginal discomforts can be effectively countered, with many patients reporting a return of comfort in their vaginal tissue and an ability to enjoy activities such as intercourse once again.